RSIM Website:
Registration & Check-in:
Date: November 29, 2024
Venue: Department of Geography, 10F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
Date: November 30 – December 1, 2024
Venue: Yuet Ming Auditorium, 5F, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre, Centre of Development and Resources for Students, The University of Hong Kong

Crowd Intelligence Empowering Remote SensingInnovation & Interdisciplinary Collaboration
As Big Earth data and remote sensing technologies rapidly evolve, remote sensing mapping techniques are now extensively applied in a wide range of areas including ecological environment monitoring, agricultural and forestry resource surveys, urban planning and management, as well as socioeconomic metrics. Remote Sensing Intelligent Mapping (RSIM), a new frontier for data processing, scientific discovery, and comprehensive applications, integrates artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data analysis, and multidisciplinary knowledge to enhance the in-depth level of remote sensing information extraction, change detection, applications, and the capability to address global environmental issues.
This international workshop is themed " Crowd Intelligence Empowering Remote Sensing Innovation & Interdisciplinary Collaboration," and aims to explore the latest advancements and future trends in intelligent remote sensing mapping, covering theoretical frameworks, technological methods, and specialized applications. The goal is to promote interdisciplinary integration under the "Remote Sensing +" initiative and to foster deep collaboration among various disciplines.
We cordially invite global experts, scholars, and students to actively participate. This workshop will facilitate crowd-intelligence discussions on the challenges in the field of remote sensing mapping and deepen dialogues across different fields, collectively advance the innovation and application of intelligent remote sensing mapping technology, and strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation and development.