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All geography courses would make video recording of the first two lectures available on Moodle. The above policy is to facilitate students in making course selection during the add/drop period. In general, students have responsibilities to attend all lectures during the scheduled time slots. Those who did not attend lectures on their own accord without reasons will have to bear the consequence of missing lectures. Students are strongly encouraged to attend lecture/laboratory sessions at their scheduled hours.
The following alternative arrangements are available for students who are unable to attend lectures physically and virtually during scheduled time slots after the first two weeks. Measures include: (i) lecture/PowerPoint slides will be made available on Moodle, and (ii) course instructors will offer additional office time for special consultation by appointment only. If you have any special requests, please write to us at stating your reason and justification of the request, with evidence/proofs or certification. The Department will make necessary arrangements, where applicable, to facilitate students’ teaching and learning.

Instructions to Students for Zoom Lectures


Join the lectures:

  1. To ensure stability and functionality of using Zoom platform, it is recommended to use laptop or desktop computer instead of mobile phones to attend Zoom lectures.

  2. Zoom URL and meeting ID are available to students for joining the Zoom lectures.

  3. For students who have enrolled in designated courses, Zoom meeting ID and URL are available for enrolled students from the sources below:

    • Course Moodle (e.g. main page, news announcement);

    • Email from Course Moodle / Course Teacher / Course TA

  4. For students who have NOT enrolled in designated courses, please check the details of your specific course of interest among ALL Geography Major courses in Semester 2, details including:

    • Timetable of lecture time slots, which is normally identical to the scheduled lecture time

    • List of Zoom meeting ID and URL

  5. Please click the Zoom URL or enter Zoom Meeting ID to join Zoom lectures. You may join the Lectures via different platforms, please find the steps from the link below for more details:


  1. Please enter your full name as display name in Zoom lectures.

  2. Video and audio can be enabled and disabled freely by students during lectures, it is recommended to join the lecture with your microphone MUTED to minimize disruption, but you will always be able to unmute yourself to ask any questions. Chatroom is also available to participants to facilitate interactions.

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