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22 APR 2021 (THU) 16:30-17:45 23 APR 2021 (FRI) 09:00-17:30

Updated: Apr 19, 2021

22 APR 2021 (THU) 16:30-17:45

Panel Discussion: Hong Kong’s Arctic Connections

Mixed mode (Face-to-face in Map Library + via Zoom)

The conference was fully supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China/Research Grant Council Joint Research Scheme Sponsored by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong SAR, China (Project No. N_HKU768/20).


Mr Mark AGNEW Outdoor and extreme sports editor, SCMP Planning to row the Northwest Passage in 2022
Mr CHU Kee-duen Sailed from Hong Kong to the Northwest Passage in 2016
Dr Pavel TOROPOV Guided two Chinese tourist expeditions to the South Pole and one to the North Pole
Dr Rebecca WONG Department of Social & Behavioural Sciences, City University of Hong Kong Expert in mammoth and elephant ivory trade


Dr Mia BENNETT Co-Organiser, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong


Join us for a discussion panel featuring scholars and practitioners in Hong Kong with a wide range of polar experiences and plans, from sailing and rowing the Northwest Passage to guiding Chinese tourists in Antarctica. Mr CHU Kee Duen, an experienced sailor, will share experiences and photographs from his voyage from Hong Kong to the Northwest Passage in the Canadian Arctic in 2016, which made him the first Hong Kong Chinese to ever sail through its treacherous waters. Mr Mark AGNEW, Outdoor and Extreme Sports Editor at the South China Morning Post, will reveal his plans to row the same passage in 2022, while also delving into the climate change that will make his journey more feasible than ever before. Dr Pavel TOROPOV, a freelance writer based in the HKU Research Division of Ecology and Biodiversity and School of Biological Sciences, will reflect on his time guiding Chinese tourists to the North and South Poles. Dr WONG Rebecca Wing-Yee will offer her insights into the mammoth ivory trade and how this little-studied industry connects Hong Kong to Siberia and beyond.

The panel is a featured event within the China and the Arctic: A View to 2050 symposium jointly organized by the University of Hong Kong and Nanjing University. Funding for the symposium has been generously provided by the University Grants Committee’s Research Grants Council. The symposium is also a part of the UArctic Thematic Network on the Arctic in Asia, Asia in the Arctic. Please find out more information about the symposium here:

For Enquiry, please email Zoom link will be provided upon successful registration.


23 APR 2021 (FRI) 09:00-17:30


Mixed mode (Face-to-face in Meng Wah 103 + via Zoom)

09:30–09:45 China looks to the Arctic

09:45–11:05 The Arctic Ocean: Past, present & future

11:25–12:45 Chinese science & forecasting in Greenland and the Arctic

14:00–15:00 Climate change and governance in the Third Pole

16:45–17:15 Closing plenary

17:15–17:45: Extending the Polar Silk Road: Future directions for collaboration & publication

For registration and more information, please visit



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