Geography Capstone Experience: Alternatives to the Overseas Fieldtrip
Via Zoom
Hosts and speakers:
Mr Lewis Tse, Map Librarian
Professor PC Lai
Professor Becky PY Loo
Dr Ben Gerlofs
Are you interested in maps? Are you interested to do a Directed Project (GEOG4002) or an Honours Dissertation (GEOG4003)? The Department of Geography is organizing a session to introduce the Map Library Internship Scheme cum GEOG4002 Directed Project, and GEOG4003 Honours Dissertations. With our rich map collections, geography major students have unique opportunities to combine geography knowledge with map skills.
In this talk, we will:
l introduce the daily routine of our Map Librarian,
l suggest possible ways of combining the internship experience with the Direct Project,
l provide examples of possible topics for the Map Library Internship Report, and
l answer questions on Directed Project and Honours Dissertation.
All are welcome!
For Enquiry, please email to Zoom link will be provided upon successful registration.
