Professor Yuyu Zhou earned his BS and MS degrees from Beijing Normal University and Ph.D degree from University of Rhode Island. Prior to his current position, he held roles as a research scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and a professor at the Iowa State University. His research focuses on urban environmental change and potential solutions, utilizing geospatial technologies including remote sensing, GIS, geovisualization, spatial analytic tools, and integrated assessment modeling. He has published over 180 papers in prestigious journals such as Energy & Environmental Science and PNAS. He serves as the Chief Editor of Earth System Science Data and Associate Editor of Ecological Processes, and has been recognized as a 2022 Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate.
Research Interests
Urbanization mapping and modeling
Urban heat island
Urban energy use and emissions
Urban phenology
Urban air pollution
Urban sustainability
Water-energy-food nexus
Climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability
Selected Publications
Yin, P., X. Li, Y. Zhou, J. Mao, Y. H. Fu, W. Cao, P. Gong, W. He, B. Li, J. Huang, X. Liu, Z. Shi, D. Liu and J. Guo (2024). "Urbanization effects on the spatial patterns of spring vegetation phenology depend on the climatic background." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 345: 109718.
Mu, H., S. Guo, X. Li, Y. Zhou, Y. Lü, X. Du, J. Huang, C. Ma, X. Zhang, Z. Xia, H. Fang and P. Du (2024). "Quantifying landscape connectivity gaps between protected area and natural habitat." Journal of Cleaner Production 437: 140729.
Xia, H., L. Qiao, Y. Guo, X. Ru, Y. Qin, Y. Zhou* and C. Wu* (2024). "Enhancing phenology modeling through the integration of artificial light at night effects." Remote Sensing of Environment 303: 113997.
Yoo, J., J. Eom and Y. Zhou (2024). "Thermal comfort and retail sales: A big data analysis of extreme temperature's impact on brick-and-mortar stores." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77: 103699.
Wang, F., A. Shaheen, R. Yousefi, Q. Ge, R. Wu, J. Lelieveld, D. G. Kaskaoutis, Z. Lu, Y. Zhan and Y. Zhou (2024) "Long-Term Dynamics of Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide in Urban and Rural Regions of China: Urbanization and Policy Impacts." Remote Sensing 16 DOI: 10.3390/rs16020391.
Chen, W., Y. Zhou*, E. C. Stokes, & X. Zhang (2023). Large-scale urban building function mapping by integrating multi-source web-based geospatial data. Geo-spatial Information Science, 1-15.
Wang, C., J. Song, D. Shi, J. L. Reyna, H. Horsey, S. Feron, Y. Zhou, Z. Ouyang, Y. Li and R. B. Jackson (2023). Impacts of climate change, population growth, and power sector decarbonization on urban building energy use. Nature Communications 14(1): 6434.
Xu, H., Y. Zhou*, Y. Wei, H. Guo, & X. Li. (2023). A Multirule-Based Relative Radiometric Normalization for Multisensor Satellite Images. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 20, 1-5.
Wang, S., A. Cescatti, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhou, L. Song, & J. Li. (2023). Global enhanced vegetation photosynthesis in urban environment and its drivers revealed by satellite solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 340, 109622.
Wang, Y., X. Li, P. Yin, G. Yu, W. Cao, J. Liu, L. Pei, T. Hu, Y. Zhou, X. Liu, J. Huang, & P. Gong. (2023). Characterizing annual dynamics of urban form at the horizontal and vertical dimensions using long-term Landsat time series data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 203, 199-210.
He, W., X. Li*, Y. Zhou*, Z. Shi, G. Yu, T. Hu, Y. Wang, J. Huang, T. Bai, Z. Sun, X. Liu & P. Gong (2023) Global urban fractional changes at a 1 km resolution throughout 2100 under eight SSP-RCP scenarios. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, in Press.
Hu, J., Y. Zhou*, Y. Yang, G. Chen, W. Chen & M. Hejazi (2023) Multi-city assessments of human exposure to extreme heat during heat waves in the United States. Remote Sensing of Environment, 295, 113700.
Zheng, Q., K. C. Seto, Y. Zhou, S. You & Q. Weng (2023) Nighttime light remote sensing for urban applications: Progress, challenges, and prospects. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 202, 125-141.
Xu, H., Y. Zhou*, Y. Wei, C. Liu, X. Li & W. Chen (2023) A Relative Radiometric Normalization Method for Enhancing Radiometric Consistency of Landsat Time-Series Imageries. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 1-16.
Hu, T., X. Zhang, G. Bohrer, Y. Liu, Y. Zhou, J. Martin, Y. Li and K. Zhao (2023). Crop yield prediction via explainable AI and interpretable machine learning: Dangers of black box models for evaluating climate change impacts on crop yield. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 336: 109458.
Guo, C., K. Lanza, D. Li, Y. Zhou, K. Aunan, B. P. Y. Loo, J. Lee, B. Luo, X. Duan, W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, S. Lin & K. Zhang (2023) Impact of heat on all-cause and cause-specific mortality: A multi-city study in Texas. Environmental Research, 115453.
Li, L., W. Zhan, W. Ju, J. Peñuelas, Z. Zhu, S. Peng, X. Zhu, Z. Liu, Y. Zhou, J. Li, J. Lai, F. Huang, G. Yin, Y. Fu, M. Li & C. Yu (2023) Competition between biogeochemical drivers and land-cover changes determines urban greening or browning. Remote Sensing of Environment, 287, 113481.
He, W., X. Li, Y. Zhou, X. Liu, P. Gong, T. Hu, P. Yin, J. Huang, J. Yang, S. Miao, X. Wang & T. Wu (2023) Modeling gridded urban fractional change using the temporal context information in the urban cellular automata model. Cities, 133, 104146.
Zhang, T., Y. Zhou*, K. Zhao, Z. Zhu, G. Chen, J. Hu & L. Wang (2022) A global dataset of daily maximum and minimum near-surface air temperature at 1km resolution over land (2003–2020). Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 5637-5649.
Zhou, Y.*, X. Li, W. Chen, L. Meng, Q. Wu, P. Gong & K. C. Seto (2022) Satellite mapping of urban built-up heights reveals extreme infrastructure gaps and inequalities in the Global South. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, e2214813119.
Zhang, T., Y. Zhou*, L. Wang, K. Zhao & Z. Zhu (2022) Estimating 1 km gridded daily air temperature using a spatially varying coefficient model with sign preservation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 277, 113072.
Meng, L., Y. Zhou*, M. O. Román, E. C. Stokes, Z. Wang, G. R. Asrar, J. Mao, A. D. Richardson, L. Gu & Y. Wang (2022) Artificial light at night: an under-appreciated effect on phenology of deciduous woody plants. PNAS Nexus, pgac046.
Zhou, Y*(2022). Understanding urban plant phenology for sustainable cities and planet. Nature Climate Change. 12, 302-304.
Zhang, T., Y. Zhou*, Z. Zhu, X. Li & G. R. Asrar (2022). A global seamless 1 km resolution daily land surface temperature dataset (2003-2020). Earth Syst. Sci. Data. 14, 651-664.
Zhao, M., C. Cheng*, Y. Zhou*, X. Li, S. Shen & C. Song (2022). A global dataset of annual urban extents (1992-2020) from harmonized nighttime lights. Earth Syst. Sci. Data. 14, 517–534.
Chen, W., Y. Zhou*, Y. Xie, G. Chen, K. J. Ding & D. Li (2022) Estimating spatial and temporal patterns of urban building anthropogenic heat using a bottom-up city building heat emission model. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 177, 105996.
Li, X., Y. Zhou*, M. Hejazi, M. Wise, C. Vernon, G. Iyer & W. Chen (2021) Global urban growth between 1870 and 2100 from integrated high resolution mapped data and urban dynamic modeling. Communications Earth & Environment, 2, 201.
Meng, L., Y. Zhou*, L. Gu, A. D. Richardson, J. Peñuelas, Y. Fu, Y. Wang, G. R. Asrar, H. J. De Boeck, J. Mao, Y. Zhang & Z. Wang (2021) Photoperiod decelerates the advance of spring phenology of six deciduous tree species under climate warming. Global Change Biology, 27, 2914-2927.
Zhao, M., Y. Zhou*, X. Li, W. Cheng*, C. Zhou, T. Ma, M. Li & K. Huang (2020) Mapping urban dynamics (1992–2018) in Southeast Asia using consistent nighttime light data from DMSP and VIIRS. Remote Sensing of Environment, 248, 111980.
Li, X., Y. Zhou*, Z. Zhu & W. Cao (2020) A national dataset of 30m annual urban extent dynamics (1985–2015) in the conterminous United States. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 357-371.
Li, X., Y. Zhou*, P. Gong, K. C. Seto & N. Clinton (2020) Developing a method to estimate building height from Sentinel-1 data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 240, 111705.
Meng, L., J. Mao*, Y. Zhou*, A. D. Richardson, X. Lee, P. E. Thornton, D. M. Ricciuto, X. Li, Y. Dai, X. Shi & G. Jia (2020) Urban warming advances spring phenology but reduces the response of phenology to temperature in the conterminous United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 4228
Cao, W., Y. Zhou*, R. Li & X. Li (2020) Mapping changes in coastlines and tidal flats in developing islands using the full time series of Landsat images. Remote Sensing of Environment, 239, 111665.
Selected Research Projects
Integrated assessments of urbanization impacts on building energy use for urban energy sustainability (PI)
Water Sustainability at the Food-Energy-Water Nexus under Urbanization and Climate Change (PI)
Improving GCAM Building Energy Use Modeling by Adding a Satellite-seeded Spatially Explicit Urban Expansion Component (PI)
Understanding and Simulating Global Urban Expansion in the Context of Climate Change (PI)