Departmental Research Seminars Series
Spatial patterns and mechanisms underlying forest mortality to global climate change
Date: 21 JUN 2024 (Friday)
Time: 10:30-11:30 (HKT)
Mode: Hybrid Mode
Venue: CLL, Department of Geography, 10F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Zoom: Zoom link will be provided upon successful registration
Registration link: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=94240
Rapidly changing environmental conditions have exposed woody vegetation to unusual drought and caused increased mortality in many ecosystems across the globe. But the current predictive ability of forest mortality remains limited. My research program leverages remote sensing and process-based modeling to characterize the spatial patterns of forest mortality and identify the underlying key mechanisms critical to predict plant responses and mortality risks across the landscape. This seminar will show case examples spanning a range of ecosystems that have experienced drought, bark beetle attacks, and wildfires across a range of spatial scales.
Professor Xiaonan TAI
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Professor Xiaonan Tai is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at New Jersey Institute of Technology. Before NJIT, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at U of Utah after receiving her PhD in Geography from U at Buffalo. Xiaonan’s research integrates plant physiology, hydrology, and remote sensing to understand the patterns, drivers, and mechanisms underlying ecosystem response to novel environmental conditions.
