Climate Change and Recent Trend of Arctic Climate
Date: 13 APR 2024 (SAT)
Time: 14:30-16:00 (HKT)
Venue: Multi-Function Room of the Surein Foundation, 6th floor, Fortis Tower, 77 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
This presentation will introduce the current status and trends of climate change from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). The speaker will share the recent increasing trend of temperature in the Arctic and its implication on the northeast passage. He will also share his recent trip to the Arctic and discuss how sea-ice retreat affects international shipping and sea level rise as a whole.
Ir. Prof. Nicky Y.F. Lam is an Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong. Before joining HKU, he had worked as an Assistant Professor at the School of Energy and Environment, CityU. Dr Lam is interested in a variety of climate and air quality research, including ambient air quality sampling, emission inventory development and future air quality and climate change modelling. Dr. Lam has been a trainer for climate and air quality models for various government agencies, including the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department (HKEPD) and the Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP) in Japan. Currently, he is serving as a member of the Air Quality Objectives Review Working Group for the Hong Kong Environment Bureau (HKENB), and the application of numerical models to Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for HKEPD. He also serves as a panel member of the CDC-HKEAA Committee for Geography under the Hong Kong Education Bureau (HKEDB), actively involved in Geography curriculum development and STEAM education.
