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23 NOV 2023 (THU) 15:30-16:30

Distinguished Seminar Series in Geography and Sustainable Development

Measuring and Predicting Community Resilience to Natural Hazards: The Resilience Inference Measurement (RIM) Approach

Date: 23 NOV 2023 (Thursday)

Time: 15:30-16:30 (HKT)

Mode: Hybrid Mode

Venue: Chamber, Faculty of Social Sciences, 11/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Zoom: Zoom link will be provided upon successful registration



Improving community resilience to natural hazards has been a key societal issue and studied widely by multiple disciplines. However, despite the huge literature on resilience analysis with many measurement methods already proposed, there is no consensus on resilience measurement methods and the type of social and environmental indicators used. In this presentation, I will summarize my team’s effort in the past decade in developing the Resilience Inference Measurement (RIM) model for measuring community resilience. The RIM model overcomes two major deficiencies of most existing resilience measurement indices – the lack of empirical validation and the lack of statistical inferential power. I will highlight how RIM has been applied to different types of hazards, and its extension to predictions, dynamic resilience analysis, and scenario simulation. Finally, I will describe recent efforts in adapting RIM to analyze urban versus rural resilience and making it a science-based decision-making tool for building resilience capacity.

Professor Nina LAM

Professor and E.L. Abraham Distinguished Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Louisiana State University

Nina Lam is Professor and E.L. Abraham Distinguished Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Louisiana State University. She was Chair of the Department (2007-2010), Program Director of the U. S. National Science Foundation‘s Geography and Spatial Sciences Program (1999-2001), and President of the University Consortium on Geographic Information Science (UCGIS, 2004). She is currently CUHK’s Vice-Chancellor Visiting Professor with the Geography and Resource Management Department. Lam’s research interests are in Geographic Information Science, remote sensing, spatial analysis, environmental health, and disaster resilience. Lam is a fellow of both the U.S. University Consortium on Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) and the American Association of Geographers (AAG) and has been honored with the UCGIS Carolyn Merry Mentoring Award and the UCGIS Research Award, as well as AAG’s Outstanding Contributions in Remote Sensing Award.



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