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07 OCT 2022 (FRI) 10:30-12:00

Updated: Sep 15, 2022


Geography Distinguished Webinars Series

Migration in the Global South: Householding, Gender and Intergenerational Perspectives

Date: 07 OCT 2022 (Friday)

Time: 10:30-12:00 (Morning) (HKT)

Language: English

Via Zoom

Zoom link will be provided upon successful registration



Drawing on selected studies on migration, especially migration for work and empirical cases of internal migration in the Global South, this paper seeks to highlight householding, household strategies, and multi-locational households. Migration may entail short-term separations among family members, but split households that last beyond the short term are in fact quite common. Experiences of households that straddle multiple locations shed light on circular migration and question if one-way and permanent migration is inevitable. These studies illustrate gender selectivity of migration, gender division of labor, and how women and men involved in migration reconstruct gender roles without challenging patriarchal ideology. They also examine intergenerational perspectives, including remittances and care, and the experiences of left-behind children, migrant children and new-generation migrants. The research reviewed supports the notion that contemporary migration research and theories should pay more attention to split households and to the Global South.

Professor C. Cindy FAN

Professor of Geography & Vice Provost for International Studies and Global Engagement, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Speaker Bio:

C. Cindy Fan is Professor of Geography at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is also Vice Provost for International Studies and Global Engagement at UCLA, and is the first woman and Asian to hold that position. As senior international officer (SIO), she manages UCLA’s international partnerships and agreements, represents UCLA globally, promotes international education and research, and oversees the 27 interdisciplinary research centers and eight degree programs within the International Institute. Dr. Fan received her BA and MPhil from the University of Hong Kong and Chinese University of Hong Kong respectively, PhD from the Ohio State University, and an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Bristol. She has numerous publications on migration, regional development and gender in China, including the pioneering book China on the Move. She is formerly co-editor of the journals Regional Studies and Eurasian Geography and Economics. Dr. Fan has received the UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award, Distinguished Scholar Awards from the Asian Specialty Group and China Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers, an American Council on Education Fellowship, and major grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Henry Luce Foundation and National Science Foundation.



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