Distinguished Webinar Series in Urban and Regional Research
Sponsored jointly by Department of Geography and Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU
Thank you for your interest in the HKU Distinguished Webinar Series in Urban and Regional Research. The seminar by Prof. Michael Batty (Digital Twins and Multiple Models: New Ways to Simulate and Invent the Future City) is going to be held tonight. Please find the Zoom information below:
Date: 10th December, 2021 (Friday)
Time: 19:00 – 20:30 (HKT)
Venue: via Zoom
Meeting ID: 960 0292 9353
Password: geogdupad
Title of the talk:
Digital Twins and Multiple Models: New Ways to Simulate and Invent the Future City
As the computer revolution continues to invade every aspect of contemporary society, there are many new ways of understanding the present and exploring the future using digital technologies which now provide us with a cornucopia of choice. We can now choose the most appropriate model or approach for the idea there is only one ‘model’ or ‘method’ has rapidly collapsed. There are now many different models of the same phenomena, in our case of the city. Multiple models which are digital versions of the real thing – digital twins as they are being called – are now being built by those who have different perspectives on the same problem, on the same city. Here we will explore these ideas and demonstrate the development of such twins or models for urban problems at different scales, drawing on examples from London and other big cities.
Professor Michael Batty
Chairman, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) University College London
Michael Batty is Bartlett Professor of Planning at University College London. He is Chair of the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) and a Turing Fellow in the Alan Turing Institute. He was Professor of Town Planning at the University of Wales in Cardiff in the 1980s, Director of the NCGIA at SUNY-Buffalo in the early 1990s before he set up CASA at UCL in 1995. He has worked on computer models of cities and their visualisation since the 1970s and his recent publications are Cities and Complexity (2005), The New Science of Cities (2013), and Inventing Future Cities (2018), all published by The MIT Press. The edited book Urban Informatics (Springer 2021) reflects the focus on the applications of digital technologies to urban planning. He is a Fellow of the British Academy (FBA) and the Royal Society (FRS) and was awarded the CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in 2004. In 2015 he received the Gold Medal of the Royal Geographical Society and in 2016 the Gold Medal of the Royal Town Planning Institute.
