People-environment Dynamics under COVID-19
HKU Urban & Transport Laboratory (Room 1025, 10/F, The Jockey Club Tower) for local panellists.
Registered participants to join by Zoom (Prior registration will be required. Registration is now open via the HKU Event Management System ( or by sending an email to )
This is the third forum in the COVID-19 and GEOGRAPHY series initiated by HKU Geography. Geography is a holistic and integrative discipline that sees people and the environment as inseparable. Following the discussion on the challenges, as well as opportunities, of COVID-19 in cities in the second forum, this third forum begins by discussing the often-cited environmental benefits, notably our air quality, associated with various levels of economic lockdowns and reduction in transport emissions. Is this universally true or is it a myth? Based on the discussion, we further see whether the changes are consistent with the trends of urban mobility across different parts of the world and in our own city, Hong Kong. The discussion will highlight the importance of place and space in Geography as foundations for understanding the complexity of people-environment dynamics under and after COVID-19.
This forum will feature speakers showcasing and discussing various environmental implications and mobility trends under COVID-19. A 15-minute interactive session will be scheduled at the end of the forum for participants (joining by Zoom) to exchange with panel members.o
Panel Members (in alphabetical order)
Prof Kay Axhausen Professor of Transport Planning, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Dr Nicky YF Lam Associate Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong (Co-chair)
Dr Kenneth KM Leung Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Air Science), Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong SAR Government
Prof Becky PY Loo Head and Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong (Convenor and Co-chair)
Dr Steven HS Zhang Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong