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2021-22: GEOG3214 - to Mil Mill

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

Field Visit to Mil Mill (the first pulp mill and education center that recycle beverage cartons in Hong Kong) on 16 October 2021 helped students to cement their learning of corporate social responsibility (CSR) concepts – as taught by Dr. Wendy Chen, and to discover the real-world challenges and implications of the recycling industry – as introduced by Mr. Yip, the cofounder of Mil Mill.

The field trip consists of three activities. Our students were first taken on a tour of the education center in understanding the circular economy behind the industry and carbon footprint of different beverage containers, then followed by a tour of the operation plant to learn the pulping process and various recycling technologies. Students were offered a chance to touch and feel the texture of the end product, the pulp. The field trip concluded with an interactive lecture on the founding history of Mil Mill, and how such practices can ease the local Municipal Solid Waste management situation and open different business opportunities. Mr. Yip shared his first-hand observation of CSR implementation and discussed with our students about the opportunities of the recycling industry in the future.


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