Between Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area
09 JUL 2021 | 9:15 - 12:35
You are cordially invite to participate in the Webinar on In Search of New Economic Cooperation Models Between Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area that is jointly organized by the Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning, Institute for China and Global Development, Business School, and Department of Geography of the University of Hong Kong on 9 July 2021 from 9:15 am to 12:35 pm. Information and tentative programme of the Webinar can be found in the website
Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta collaborated intensively and effectively since China’s economic reform and opening up in the late-1970s. However, the once-successful market-driven economic cooperation models (e.g., “Front Shop, Back Factory”) encountered severe challenges in the face of the Pearl River Delta’s rapidly rising economic power and Hong Kong’s declining role as a bridge connecting the Pearl River Delta to the world in the last two decades, as well as the more recent turbulence in the global political and economic landscapes (e.g., the China-US trade war and the COVID-19 pandemic). The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Initiative officially launched in February 2019 offered new avenues for Hong Kong to create new synergy with the Pearl River Delta to lead new waves of economic development in the Greater Bay Area. Therefore, there is an urgent need to search for new economic cooperation models between Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.
This Webinar is to present and discuss the findings of the research project on “In Search of New Economic Cooperation Models between Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area” under the Strategic Public Policy Research (SPPR) Funding Scheme of the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of the HKSAR, headed by Professor Anthony G.O. Yeh of the Department of Urban Planning and Design at the University of Hong Kong with Prof. Zhigang Tao (Business and Economics), Prof. George C.S. Lin (Geography), Dr. Xingjian Liu (Urban Planning and Design), and Dr. Fiona F. Yang (Geography and Urban Planning, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou) as Co-Investigators. It also aims to provide a platform for industrial leaders, business organizations, and professionals to share their insights on new economic cooperation models between Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area and policies needed for promoting such development.
Please note that we have also created a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Information Net ( that provides a one-stop portal to find out more information about the 9+2 cities in the Greater Bay Area.
Free registration of the Webinar can be found in Because of limited places, registration is on a first come first served basis.
