Frank van der Wouden’s general research interests are the spatial uneven distribution of economic activities and networks of collaboration that link together people and places. Common topics in his research are innovation, collaboration, learning and cities. His work uses data-mining tools, machine learning techniques, methods from social network analysis and econometric models. Frank holds a PhD in Economic Geography form the University of California, Los Angeles. Before joining the department, Frank was a post-doctoral researcher at the Management & Organizations department at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and affiliate of the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems.
For more information visit www.frankvanderwouden.com or inventorcollaboration.com.
Research Interests
Technological change
Impact of distance on socio-economic activity
Computational social science
Economic growth
Network Science
Machine Learning
Selected Publications
van der Wouden, F., & Youn, H. (2023). The impact of geographical distance on learning through collaboration. Research Policy, 52(2), 104698. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2022.104698
Sebök, M., van der Wouden, F., Mader, C., Pangalu, A., Treyer, V., Fisher, J. A., Mikulis, D. J., Hüllner, M., Regli, L., Fierstra, J., & van Niftrik, C. H. B. (2023). Hemodynamic Failure Staging With Blood Oxygenation Level–Dependent Cerebrovascular Reactivity and Acetazolamide-Challenged (15O-)H2O-Positron Emission Tomography Across Individual Cerebrovascular Territories. Journal of the American Heart Association, 12(24), e029491. https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.123.029491
van der Wouden, F. (2022). Are Chinese cities getting smarter in terms of knowledge and technology they produce? World Development, 150, 105729. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105729
Esposito, C., & Wouden, F. V. D. (2022). Learning Amid Technological Disruption: Evidencefrom U.S. Inventors, 1836-1999. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1), 17898. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.17898abstract
Van der Wouden, F. (2019) “History of Collaboration in US Invention: Changing Patterns of Co-invention, Complexity and Geography.” Industrial and Corporate Change, dtz058. DOI: 10.1093/icc/dtz058 (IF2018=1.824).
Van der Wouden, F. and Rigby, D. L. (2019) “Co-inventor Networks and Knowledge Production in Specialized and Diversified Cities.” Papers in Regional Science 98(4): 1833-1853. DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12432 (IF2018=2.020).
Van Niftrik, C. H. B., Van Der Wouden, F., Staartjes, V. E., Fierstra, J., Stienen, M. N., Akeret, K., Sebok, M., Fedele, T., Sarnthein, J., Bozinov, O., Krayenbuhl, N., Regli, L. and Serra, C. (2019) “Machine Learning Algorithm Identifies Patients at High Risk for Early Complications after Intracranial Tumor Surgery: Registry-based Cohort Study.” Neurosurgery 85(4): E756-764. DOI: 10.1093/neuros/nyz145 (IF2018=4.605).
Policy Recommendations
van Oort, F. & T. de Graaff, H. Koster, H. Olden & F. van der Wouden (2013), “The city as the Engine of Growth: Theoretical exploration, empirical analysis and policy recommendations for the Randstad” (for Ministry of Internal Affairs of The Netherlands)
Selected Research Projects
Impact of geographical distance on learning through collaboration (with Kellogg School of Management)
Effects of network distance on knowledge combination (with Harvard and Kellogg School of Management)
What technological combinations are more likely to drive innovation? (with ESMT and Kellogg School of Management)
Simultaneous innovation in Evolutionary Medicine (with Arizona State University & Kellogg School of Management)
Collaboration and learning in Creative Industries (with Erasmus School of Economics)
Using machine learning to predict Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (with University Hospital Zurich)
Invited Talks, Lectures & Keynotes
2019 Lecture: Inventor Mobility and Productivity (Utrecht University)
2019 Keynote: Machine Learning using Individual-level data (Zurich)
2018 Lecture: Historical US Inventor Collaboration (Utrecht University)
2017 Workshop: Relatedness & Regional Development (Harvard Kennedy School)
2017 Lecture: Humans, economics & environment (UCLA)
2016 Keynote: The Captains of Industry Conference (The Hague)
2016 Lecture: Evolutionary Economic Geography - new insights (Utrecht University)
2015 Lecture: Multinational Corporations & Development (UCLA)
2015 Workshop: Geography of Networks (Utrecht University)
Selected Awards and Grants
2018 University Fellowship - UCLA Geography Department
2017 Graduate Student Grant - UCLA Center for Economic History
2017 Dissertation Year Fellowship - UCLA Graduate Division
2017 Outstanding Teaching Certificate - UCLA Geography Department
2016 Graduate Student Grant - UCLA Center for Economic History
2015 Haynes Lindley Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship - Haynes Foundation
2015 Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Award - UCLA Graduate Division
2013 PhD funding offer - UCLA Graduate Division
2013 University Fellowship - UCLA Graduate Division
2013 Bernhard Fellow - Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
2013 Fundatie van Renswoude Fellow - Fundatie van de Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude
2013 Marc de Smidt Prize - Best Master Thesis - Faculty GeoSciences Utrecht University
2013 Marc de Smidt Prize - Best Presentation - Faculty GeoSciences Utrecht University
Journal Reviews
Industry and Innovation, Research Policy, Journal of Economic Geography, Academy of Management, PLOS One, Papers in Regional Science, Scientometrics