I am a human geographer researching how tourist practices and mobilities (dis)connect people from pro-environmental ways of living. I have over 17 years of experience researching issues of sustainability, environment and tourism. Originally from Australia, I have lived in Hong Kong since 2015 and led projects on mobility politics, sustainable tourism and lively commodification. Current projects explore the biopolitics of tourism and pro-environmental tourist practices among China’s Generation Z. My work has appeared in leading academic journals and I have been interviewed by global media outlets such as CNN, Fortune and BBC. I am an Associate Editor for Tourism Geographies and a Steering Committee member of AusMob the Australian Mobilities Research Network.
Research Interests
Tourism Geography
Tourism politics
Selected Publications
Barry, K., Iaquinto, BL. and Azeredo, R. "From tourists to essential workers: The multifaceted presence of backpackers in rural Queensland, Australia." Journal of Rural Studies 112, 103469. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2024.103469
Iaquinto, B. L. "Backpacker tourism: Definitions, methods, debates." Tourism Geographies.
Iaquinto, B. L. & Toropov, P. N. "The value of negativity for tourism resilience: A second-wave positive psychology approach". Current Issues in Tourism, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2024.2410936
Iaquinto, B.L., Bennett, M.M. & Liu, X. "The biopolitics of Chinese tourism governance in the Arctic". Geografiska Annaler: Series B. Human Geography, 106(3), 330-346. https://doi.org/10.1080/04353684.2023.2224356
Iaquinto, BL, Gillen, J. and Mostafanezhad, M. "The new tourism geopolitics: bridging tourism geographies and political geography". Tourism Geographies 26(5), 723-734. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2024.2394693
Gerlofs, B, Iaquinto, BL, Poon, KYN and Tsang, CTY. "Tank to Table: Hong Kong’s Wet Markets and the Geographies of Lively Commodification Beyond Companionship". Annals of the American Association of Geographers 114(4), 844-862.
Iaquinto, B. L., Cheer, J. M., Roelofsen, M., Minca, C., Ong, C.-E., Wong, C., Lapointe, D., Qu, M., McCormick, A., & Lin, C.-C. T. "Coercive geographies: Biopower, spatial politics, and the tourist". Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 42(2), 149–170.
Bissell, B., Birtchnell, T., Duffy, M., Fozdar, F., Iaquinto, B.L., Radford, D. & Rickards, L. "Region power for mobilities research". Australian Geographer 54(3), 251-275. https://doi.org/10.1080/00049182.2023.2245624
Iaquinto, B.L., Bennett, M.M. & Liu, X. "The biopolitics of Chinese tourism governance in the Arctic". Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. https://doi.org/10.1080/04353684.2023.2224356
Iaquinto, BL. “The Go-Along: A mobile method for backpacker research”. In Backpacking Culture and Mobilities: Independent and Nomadic Travel (pp. 72-95). M O’Regan (ed), Channel View: Bristol.
Iaquinto, BL., Barber, L. & Yu, PS. "Grounding Mobility: Protest Atmospheres at Hong Kong International Airport". Annals of the American Association of Geographers 113(4), 933-948. https://doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2022.2151405
Bennett, MM & Iaquinto, BL. "The geopolitics of China’s Arctic tourism resources." Territory, Politics, Governance 11(7), 1281-1302 https://doi.org/10.1080/21622671.2021.1887755
Barry, K & Iaquinto, BL. "Hostel frictions: backpackers living under lockdown." Mobilities 18(1), 37-53.
Agyeiwaah, E., Pratt, P., Iaquinto, B. L. and Suntikul, W. "Social identity positively impacts sustainable behaviors of backpackers." Tourism Geographies 25(1), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2020.1819401
Gibson, D, Pratt, S. and Iaquinto B. L. "Samoan perceptions of travel and tourism mobilities – the concept of Malaga”. Tourism Geographies 24(4-5): 737-758. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2020.1780632
Iaquinto, BL. "Locating pro-environmental vernacular practices of tourism." Geography Compass 16(3), e12611.
Reichenberger, I and Iaquinto, BL. "The Backpacker Experience: a review and future research agenda." Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 22(1), 80-94. https://doi.org/10.1080/15022250.2021.1989718
Tham, A, Iaquinto, BL and Driml, S. “Navigating external referencing through COVID-19 disruptions - Teaching tourism policy and planning in Australia and China”. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 30, 100350. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2021.100350
Shelton, MR, Bos, JJ, Collins, KB, Ison RL, & Iaquinto, BL. "Characterising water sensitive cities through inquiry-based learning systems". Australasian Journal of Water Resources 26(2), 162-174. https://doi.org/10.1080/13241583.2022.2076300
Ison, RL, Collins, K and Iaquinto, BL. "Designing an inquiry-based learning system: Innovating in research praxis to transform science–policy–practice relations for sustainable development." Systems Research and Behavioral Science 38(5), 610-624. https://doi.org/10.1002/sres.2811
Lee, H.Y. and Iaquinto, B.L. “Marketing Ulaanbaatar as a dynamic city with a nomadic soul”. In Tourism in Asian Cities (pp. 147-160). S. K. Dixit (ed), Routledge: Abingdon.
Iaquinto, B. L. "Tourist as vector: Viral mobilities of COVID-19." Dialogues in Human Geography. 10(2): 174-177. https://doi.org/10.1177/2043820620934250
Iaquinto, B. L. "Understanding the place-making practices of backpackers." Tourist Studies 20(3) 336–353 https://doi.org/10.1177/1468797620927308
Choi, S-H, Iaquinto, B. L. and Wong, C. U. I. "Sojourners in Macau: blurring binaries of home/away and work/leisure." Leisure Studies 39(6): 811-824
Iaquinto, B. L. and Pratt, S. "Practicing Sustainability as a Backpacker: The Role of Nationality." International Journal of Tourism Research 22:100–107. https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2321
Zhang, V., Kelly, D., Castro, R. L., Iaquinto, B. L., Hughes, A., Edensor, T., McKay, C., Lobo, M., Kennedy, M., Wolifson, P., Ratnam, C., Buckle, C., Dorignon, L., Adamczyk, E., Barry, K. and Bissell, D. “Experiential Attunements in an Illuminated City at Night: A Pedagogical Writing Experiment.” GeoHumanities 5:2, 468-495
Iaquinto, B. L. “Working Holiday Makers in Australia: Food Security, Climate Change and the ‘Backpacker Tax’.” Geographical Research 56(1): 107-112. https://doi.org/10.1111/1745-5871.12261
Iaquinto, B. L. “Backpacker Mobilities: Inadvertent Sustainability Amidst the Fluctuating Pace of Travel.” Mobilities 13(4): 569-583. https://doi.org/10.1080/17450101.2017.1394682
Iaquinto, B. L. “Attaining Urban Water Sustainability in Hong Kong: Three Suggestions.” Area 50(3): 430-432. https://doi.org/10.1111/area.12405
Iaquinto, B. L. “A Mixed Methods Approach in Tourism Research.” In Qualitative Methods in Tourism Research: Theory and Practice (pp. 224-247). W. Hillman and K. Radel (eds), Channel View: Bristol.
Iaquinto, B. L. “Strengths and Weakness of Using Mixed Methods to Detect the Sustainable Practices of Backpackers: A Reflexive Account.” Journal of Cleaner Production 111: 479-486. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.02.013
Iaquinto, B. L. “"I recycle, I turn out the lights": Understanding the Everyday Sustainability Practices of Backpackers.” Journal of Sustainable Tourism 23(4): 577-599. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2014.978788
Floyd, J., Iaquinto, B. L., Ison, R. and Collins, K. “Managing Complexity in Australian Urban Water Governance: Transitioning Sydney to a Water Sensitive City.” Futures 61: 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2014.04.002
Ison, R, Blackmore, C, Collins, K, Holwell, S and Iaquinto, BL. "Insights into Operationalizing Communities of Practice from SSM-Based Inquiry Processes." Systemic Practice and Action Research 27: 91-114. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11213-012-9275-3
Ison, R., Blackmore, C. and Iaquinto, B. L. “Towards Systemic and Adaptive Governance: Exploring the Revealing and Concealing Aspects of Contemporary Social Learning Metaphors.” Ecological Economics 87: 34-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2012.12.016
Iaquinto, B. L. “Backpacking in the Internet Age: Contextualising the Use of Lonely Planet Guidebooks.” Tourism Recreation Research 37(2): 145-155. https://doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2012.11081699
Iaquinto, B. L. “Fear of a Lonely Planet: Author Anxieties and the Mainstreaming of a Guidebook.” Current Issues in Tourism 14(8): 705-723. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2011.555527
Iaquinto, BL, Ison, R and Faggian, R. "Creating Communities of Practice: Scoping Purposeful Design." Journal of Knowledge Management 15(1): 4-21. https://doi.org/10.1108/13673271111108666
‘Understanding Independent Tourist Practices: Hiking, driving, and lying flat’, Hui Oi-Chow Trust Fund, $HKD70,000 (Principal Investigator)
‘A social and cultural geographical exploration of Anthropocene: human-land interactions, environmental governance and social experiments.’ National Natural Science Foundation of China (Co-investigator). Amount: RMB550000
‘Enhancing urban, transport and tourism research with wearable technologies’ University of Hong Kong, Provost’s Office. Amount: HKD115,500
‘Viability of high speed rail as a low carbon tourist transport option in Hong Kong: a political economy perspective.’ University of Hong Kong, Seed Fund for Basic Research for New Staff (Principal Investigator). Amount: HKD130,000
‘Opening conversations for communities of practice in water governance: Sydney’. Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority and Blacktown City Council (Co-investigator). Amount: AUD12000
Invited Lectures
Tank to Table: The lively commodities of Hong Kong’s seafood wet markets
Department of Geography, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea, 24 September
Tank to Table: The lively commodities of Hong Kong’s seafood wet markets
Centre for Urban Research, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Melbourne, Australia, 17 September
Grounding Mobility: Protest Atmospheres at Hong Kong International Airport
School of Social Sciences, Monash University, 10 August.
Tank to Table: The lively commodities of Hong Kong’s seafood wet markets
School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Melbourne, 8 August (with Ben Gerlofs).
Locating pro-environmental vernacular capacities of tourism
David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, 29 March.
Welcome to the Anthropocene: geographical knowledge for a world we made.
Phillips Exeter Academy, New Hampshire, USA, assembly address, 4 April.
Backpacker Mobilities: slowing down for sustainability?
Australia and International Tourism Research Unit Symposium ‘Emerging Themes in Tourism Research’, Monash University, 18 March.
Backpacking in an Unsustainable World: the places and practices of mobile people.
Department of Geography and Resource Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 16 February.
Media Coverage
Ecotourism, Backchat, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), 13 November.
Surrounded by Special Forces, U-Beat Magazine, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 27 May.
China says it’s easier than ever for Americans to visit the country. CNN Travel, 9 January. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/american-tourist-visas-china-intl-hnk/index.html
「特種兵」襲港!「爆買」變「暴走」Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly, 7 August, issue 557.
A New Class of Traveler. Fortune, April/May p. 20.
The ‘flights to nowhere’ phenomenon. World Business Report, BBC World Service, interview with Clare Williamson. 10 November. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w172x58r8rv4wk1
‘Flights to nowhere’ are popular. Experts explain the psychology behind the COVID-era concept. Fortune,
11 October. https://fortune.com/2020/10/11/covid-travel-flights-to-nowhere-psychology/
What will the national security law mean for travelers -- and Hong Kong's tourism recovery? CNN Travel, 9th July. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/hong-kong-travel-national-security-law/index.html
The future of tourism in the coronavirus era: Asia may hold answers to what's ahead. CNN Travel, 11 May.
The Economy is Deglobalising. What Happens Next is Up to Us. Lynk Global, 28 April.
過度旅遊釀「完美風暴」人類自食其果, Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly, 1 April.
Climate change closer to home than we think, Young Post (South China Morning Post), 19th October.
Knowledge Transfer
Barry, K., Iaquinto, BL and Lobo, M. Lockdown life: migrant farmworkers in regional Australia. 24 November, Geography Directions. https://blog.geographydirections.com/2020/11/24/lockdown-life-migrant-farmworkers-in-regional-australia/
Bennett, M. M., Barber, L. B. and Iaquinto, B. L. The Campus as Battleground: Placing the University Within the Hong Kong Protests. 21 January, Antipode Online. https://antipodeonline.org/2020/01/21/the-campus-as-battleground/
Backpacker tax ‘fiasco’ reveals interdependence between transient and resident communities, 1 February, Bang the Table. http://www.bangthetable.com/backpacker-tax-on-transient-and-resident-communities/
How Backpacker Communities Engage With Resident Communities, 22 June, Bang the Table. http://bangthetable.com/2016/06/22/backpacker-communities-engage-resident-communities/
Seven Sustainability Lessons We Can Learn From Backpackers (with Kathryn Williams), 12 February, The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/seven-sustainability-lessons-we-can-all-learn-from-backpackers-37350
Editorial Board Memberships
Tourism Geographies (Associate Editor)
Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism
AAG Review of Books
Journal of Responsible Tourism Management